An ANE Christmas Story, By: One & Firefury

December 24th, A.C. 216

        Momoko gathered everyone into her apartment and locked the doors and windows. She pulled down the blinds.
    "You weren't followed, were you?" She whispered to the others gathered before her. They were Shannon, Stephanie, Jeanie, Jenna, and Kiandra, of Prototype Mobile Suits. Better known as the PMS.
    "We made sure, no da!" Jeanie confirmed.
    "Anyone who would have followed would have met their maker." Jenna held up a Nerf gun that she had hidden under her trenchcoat. Momoko sweatdropped as the others pulled out toy weapons from their own trenchcoats.
    "Did you bring the mission orders?" Moe turned her attention towards Shannon, who nodded and produced a few copies to pass around. The PMS sat down in a circle on the floor, and Momoko read them their orders.
    "Your primary objective, 'Kiss. Really. Hot. Guys.'"
    "MISSION ACCEPTED!!!" They chorused.
    "I'M NOT DONE YET!" Momoko shouted.
    "Yeah, the real reason behind this operation!" Shannon flailed.
    "Ahem," Momoko continued, "Secondary objectives. Get Trowa and Tiffany to kiss in public. I thought this was gonna be a first?"
    "Weeell......" Shannon sweatdropped.
    "We like it this way better anyways. Ne?" Kiandra grinned goofily, probably thinking of Wufei.
    "And lastily, put reindeer antlers on Altron."
    "That's going to be my present to Wuffie..." Kiandra was lost in her own little world.
    "Got the equipment and ammo, Moe?" Shannon inquired. Momoko nodded and held up some kind of control.
    "Got it! Heheheheh. Anyways, memorize your codenames. They're vital to hitting the targets."
    "They'll never know what's coming!" Stephanie unleashed her evil laugh, "BwaHAahahahahah!"
    "Keetia's comin' to spike the drinks, right?"
    "D'uh. We didn't even need to ask! She's worse than US sometimes!" Jenna pointed out. It was true. Keetia had all but asked to provide food and beverages for the party. And booze.

Morning, December 25th, A.C. 216

        "Wai! Wai! Christmas treeeee!" Stephanie cheered and set the tiny potted tree down on the table.
    "Um.... THAT'S a tree?" Tiffany sweatdropped.
    "It's a bonsai Christmas tree." Steph made a face and started putting tiny decorations on it. Shannon rushed in with her brilliant tree topper.
    "The perfect tree topper!" The younger sister held up a small menora, modified to be placed upon the small tree. Tiffany sweatdropped slightly.
    "Multi-cultural party, no da!"
    "I just like those chocolate coins." Shannon admitted.
    "You WOULD." Tiffany sweatdropped again, "Remind me NOT to hang out with you guys the next time our holidays coincide."
    "Awww! That's mean, Tiffany-san!!!" Kiandra walked over to the tree, "I got an ornament I wanna put it! It took a long time to make, but it's so cute!"
    And thus, Kiandra placed a tiny ceramic Wufei on one of the branches. S