OZ-07AMS Aries


General and Technical Data

Model Number: OZ-07AMS
Code name: Aries
Unit Type: Flight-type mobile suit
Manufacturer: Organization of Zodiac (OZ)
Operator: Earth Defense Organization, civilian
First deployment: unknown
Pilots: EDO pilots, civilian pilots
Accommodation: Pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Height: 16.9 meters
Weight: 8.0 tons
Armor: Titanium alloy
Powerplant: Ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Equipment and design features: Head-mounted sensors, range unknown; 4 x wing hardpoint
Fixed armaments: None
Optional fixed armaments:
Optional hand armaments: Chainrifle, clip-fed, can be stored on wing hardpoint; 4-tube missile pod, can be stored on wing hardpoint
Stats taken from mahq.net

Technical and Historical Notes

Following the Eve Wars, many OZ mobile suits that surived the war found their way into various roles outside of their original intended purpose. Leftover Aries units primarily went to mobile suit enthusiasts, hobbyist, and private security firms. Shortly prior to the Une Conflict of AC 216, Josie Selvaggio's fledgling Earth Defense Organization would acquire many of the remaining Aries units, as well as several other outdated military mobile suits to bolster the EDO's fighting force until production of newer suits could get underway.

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