012OZMS-MOD2 Eagal


General and Technical Data

Model Number:012OZMS-MOD2
Code name: Eagal
Designed by: tcfoo
Unit Type: Space MS
First deployment:AC 217
Pilots: MDC/Preventers
Accomodation: Pilot Only
Height:17 meters
Weight: 8.5 metric tons
Powerplant:Ultracompact fusion reactor
Equipment and design features:Has Vervier II Flight System
Fixed armaments:Electromagnetic Flux Cannons (ELF) Mounted on forarms
Optional fixed armaments:2x heat rod mounted on wrists, and are always extended.
Optional hand armaments: Mace with super heated spikes, beam long sword, megacannons ... any other hand weapons

Technical and Historical Notes

The ELFs have the ability to penatrate planot defensors at close range.

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