General and Technical Data
Model Number: MMS-01-PMC
Code name: Serpent Peacemaker Comand Type
Unit Type: Salvaged general purpose command mobile suit
Manufacturer: Barton Foundation (original mobile suit), Peacemakers
(salvaged version)
Operator: Peacemakers
First deployment: Unknown
Pilots: Peacemakers pilots
Accommodation: Pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Height: 16.6 meters
Weight: 9.5 tons
Armor: Neo-Titanium with steel patching
Powerplant: Ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Equipment and design features: Head-mounted sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: 1 x 8-tube micromissile launcher, mounted in shoulder;
1 x gattling, mounted in shoulder; 1 x vulcan pod, mounted on head
Optional fixed armaments: none
Optional hand armaments: 1 x double gattling; 1 x beam cannon; 1 x
bazooka; 1 x beam saber, stored in charge rack in right arm; 1 x
Peacemaker triple-gattling
Technical and Historical Notes
Following the Eve Wars, many
of the original MMS-01 Serpents were
sold off to collectors or heavy industry. Through the years, several of
these suits were obtained by a group of renegades calling themselves
the Peacemakers. For whatever reason, the group opposed the Earth
Sphere Unified Nation, but largely stayed underground until the
political scene began to change in AC 215. Having amassed a decent
quantity of Serpents in various states of damaged, the group salvaged
these units to create their mainstay Serpent
Peacemaker and MMS-01-PMC Serpent Peacemaker Command Type.
Oddly enough, the salvaged Serpent Peacemakers boasted greater overall
performance than the standard Serpent, primarily from the addition of
extra boosters. The Serpent's original booster pack was doubled,
affixing a second pack onto the suit. In addition, the thrusters in the
legs were likewise doubled, requiring some modification of the lower
leg armoring. Boasting better firepower than the standard Serpent
Peacemaker, the Command Type includes shoulder-mounted missile
launchers, very few of which were salvaged by the Peacemakers. Also,
the Command Type has additional thrusters built into the legs, giving
it somewhat better speed and mobility.
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