(CG Model by Mechmaster)
General and Technical Data
Model Number: P-011HSMS
Code name: Basilisk
Unit Type: Space-use fire support mobile suit
Manufacturer: ESUN Technology Development
Operator: Preventers, Earth Defense Organization, Mars Defense
First deployment: Middle of AC 216
Pilots: Preventers pilots, Earth Defense Organization pilots, Mars
Defense Corps pilots
Accommodation: Pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Height: 15.9 meters
Weight: 10.3 tons
Armor: Reinforced steel-titanium composite
Powerplant: Ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Equipment and design features: Head mounted sensors, range unknown;
arm and foot mounted targeting sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: 2 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 4 x
high-power beam cannon, mounted on arms and legs, power rating unknown;
12 x micromissile, stored in 6-tube launch racks on hip armor
Optional fixed armaments: none
Optional hand armaments: 1 x beam rifle; 1 x dober gun
Technical and Historical Notes
With tensions rising between
Earth and Venus, the Earth Sphere government commissioned mobile suit
designers Prototype Mobile Suits to design a new mobile suit. They
created the Gryphon, and then the
Preventers created the Basilisk based on the same frame. They
both were shelved until hostilities appeared to be more imminent, at
which point the designs were put into limited production by the
Preventers in early AC 216. Both units were intended to serve as
high-quality, low-production run units, since at the time the Earth
Sphere was still against re-militarization.
While the Basilisk shares several body components with the Gryphon, it
serves as a fire support unit, mounting four high-powered beam cannons
on its arms and legs, as well as vulcan guns and a small payload of
missiles. It is intended primarily as a space-combat fire support unit,
though it can operate under gravity. It is less manuverable and less
heavily armored than the Gryphon, as its primary role is medium-to-long
range fire support. It can be equipped with handheld melee weapons, but
very rarely was it sent into battle carrying them.
After the Une Conflict divided the Preventers between those who
supported Lady Une and those who supported Josie Selvaggio, the
Basilisk design ended up in the service of multiple factions. Most
escaped to Mars with Lady Une's faction, while a handful remained on
Earth. Afterwards, both the newly-formed Earth Defense Organization and
the Mars Defense Corps put the Basilisk into mass-production. While not
quite as expensive to produce as the Gryphon, the cost of building
these units noticably limited their production.
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