Racing Mobile Suit
Affiliations: Mobile Suit Racing International, eXtreme Terrain Racing
Manufacturer: Winner's Circle Mobile Sports
Model #: WCMS-01S
Intended sport: Terrestrial racecourse racing.
Height:8.2 m
Weight: 6.5 t
Armoring: Reinforced titanium-steel alloy
Armaments: none
Optional armaments: none
Production model top speed: 220 mph
Appearance notes:
Short and slightly bulky. Designed for terrestrial racing, the
suit has large, oddly shaped (three-'toed') feet, meant to absorb the immense
shocks that a running multi-ton bipedal machine would generate. Arms and
upper torso are much smaller than the lower half of the suit, and highly
aerodynamic. There is a rack of boosters mounted on the back of the suit
to boost speed and help manuvering on a racecourse. Decorations (fins,
spikes, coloring, etc) vary according to race team.