The Black List
.........Welcome. I am Evil Miko, who wears black because she is evil, and red because it is the color blood. The gray for dreariness. My eyes shine gold, in honor of Battousai, and Ceres. Why? Because they're both pissy people and I'm pissed off! This is the Black List. These people, no, these thieves deserve to be black marked for their crimes. These are the people who have dared to steal when all they needed to do was ask. These are the pitiful fools who thought they could get away with it. These are the dishonorable cowards! And this! This is my Black List for them.... They who will one day be the reason I, Evil Miko, will be released to take over this website and turn into a cold, heartless, ice palace. (Because I am a cold, heartless, ice queen.) ~ Evil Kaioshin no Miko

..........With that over dramatic introduction from Evil Miko-sama out of the way, here is the beginning of her Black List, which is sure to grow.

1. Jamie  March 8th 2002

Name of Site: Supreme Kai's Planet
Crimes: Dear Jamie over here had the nerve to take two of my screen captures, and then shamelessly plug her site on the Holy Order's message board. Upon investigating her site, I discovered two images identical to mine after clicking "View Image" to see the suspiciously similar shrunken images at their original size. Not surprisingly, they were the same size as my screen captures, and then after comparing them, I came to the obvious conclusion they were stolen from me. Let's congratulate Jamie, folks! For being the first person on the list, and hell, being the very reason this list was created. Also for unleashing me, the Evil Miko. 
Evidence: Jamie's grrrr.jpg is identical to my screen0082.jpg. Both are 355x270 pixels. They look exactly the same when viewed at their correct size. Jamie's image info (which can be obtained by right clicking on a image and selecting it from a menu) contained this -
Last Modified: March 06, 2002 8:36:29 AM Local time
Last Modified: March 06, 2002 4:36:29 PM GMT
Content Length: 64341
Decoded size (bytes): 288592
Image dimensions: 355 x 270

Compared to mine -
Last Modified:  February 26, 2002 2:12:42 PM Local time
Last Modified: February 26, 2002 10:12:42 PM GMT
Content Length: 64341
Decoded size (bytes): 288592
Image dimensions: 355 x 270

Look at what is exactly the same. (Content Length, Decoded size, and Image dimensions.) Then look at what is different. THE DATES. And guess what! MINE was put up/last modified in FEBRUARY, and my Updates section can confirm I put up screen captures that day. Hers were put up or last modified in MARCH.

Jamie's nodontdoit.jpg is identical to my screen0028.jpg. Both are 355x270 pixels. They look exactly the same when viewed at their correct size. Let us compare mine and hers directly. Mine will be in red.  -
Last Modified: February 02, 2002 6:34:17 PM Local time
Last Modified: March 06, 2002 5:22:54 PM Local time
Last Modified: February 03, 2002 2:34:17 AM GMT
Last Modified: March 07, 2002 1:22:54 AM GMT
Content Length: 80779
Content Length: 80779
Decoded size (bytes): 288592
Decoded size (bytes): 288592
Image dimensions: 355 x 270
Image dimensions: 355 x 270

What a difference a date makes! There is substantial proof that Jamie has STOLEN my images, and there is plenty of proof that I created those screen captures. My Updates can again confirm uploading screen captures in February. You may say she may not have been to this site. But she signed her own fate by shamelessly plugging her site on the Holy Order's board, which just so happens to be part of this site, and does provide a link back to a page with access to a link to the gallery, which is clearly labeled. Furthermore, she links back to the Holy Order site with a member banner, though she has never e-mailed me to join. 
Sentence: While she will still be accepted for membership to the Holy Order if she desires to join, she will be turned down if she asks for images at any point. The  only obvious conclusion is that those two images were stolen from my site. Her site's host will not be contacted. She will be. ~ Evil Kaioshin no Miko has passed Judgement upon thee.
Update: Jamie contacted me, and was told that I would appreciate it if she would take down my images. It has been been a week since this was requested, yet the images remain up. (March 9th to March 16th)
Update: The images are now down.
