Application for the position of Kaioushin

[] Mr.    [] Mrs.    [] Miss    [] Dr.    [] Sir    [] His/Her Majesty [] -sama
Name: (Last)________________(First)______________(Middle Initial)___
Alias(es): _______________________________
Age: _________
Gender: [] None     [] Male     [] Female     [] Other: ___________
Date of birth:__/__/__
Marital status: [] Single     [] Married (Spouse's name: ___________________)
                      [] Other: ____________________
Height: _______ Hair color: ______
Weight: ______  Eye color: ______

City: _______________________  Zip: ________________
State: ______________________  Country: _____________
Planet: _____________________  Galaxy: ______________

Race/Species: (check one)
[] Human     [] Namek     [] Saiya-jin
[] Other (Please describe): _____________________________________

Position applying for:
[] East Kaioushin     [] West Kaioushin     [] North Kaioushin
[] South Kaioushin   [] Dai Kaioushin        [] Any currently available
(NOTE: One or more positions may presently be unavailable)

What religion do you follow? (Check one)
[] Christianity       [] Judaism      [] Shinto
[] Buddhism         [] Wicca        [] Roman/Greek Pagan
[] Egyptian Pagan [] None         [] Islam
[] Other (Please describe) _______________________________

Do you have any of the following? (Check all that apply)
[] Self-serving goals
[] Desire to destroy everything
[] Inability to look at the “big picture”
[] Heart problems
[] Illness that may impair reaction, nervous response, vision, or hearing
[] Extreme PMS or other mood altering complications
[] Obsessive compulsive disorders
[] Speech impediment
[] Craving for revenge
[] Inability to cope with stress
[] Delusions of grandeur
[] Habit of destroying planets for fun
[] Extreme greed
[] Multiple personality disorder
 If checked, how many personalities? _______
  Please describe each:
1) _____________________________
2) _____________________________
3) _____________________________
4) _____________________________
(NOTE: If more than four, please use the extra space on back of application.)

Level of education completed: ___________________
Level of training completed: _____________________

Family history: Has any one related to you attempted or succeeded at the following? (Check all that apply)
[] Conquering the world/universe       [] Turning Super Saiya-jin
[] Traveling through time                    [] Murdering a deity
[] Collecting dragonballs                    [] Destroying the world/universe
[] Planting evil trees                           [] Fusion of any variety
[] Saving the world/universe               [] Creating androids
[] Using psychic powers                    [] Massacring entire races
[] Using dragonballs                          [] Other: ____________________

Family medical history: Does anyone in your family have or suffer from the following? (check all that apply)
[] Substance abuse            [] Depression
[] Cancer                          [] Diabetes
[] Insanity                          [] Glaucoma
[] Alcohol abuse                [] Heart problems
[] Brain damage                 [] Extreme PMS
[] Anxeity disorders           [] Anemia
[] Turned to stone              [] Turned into a snack food
[] Other: ___________________________

What unusual abilities do you possess? (Check all that apply)
[] Telepathy                                 [] Ki manipulation
[] Mind reading                            [] Transformations
[] Flight without wings                  [] Power to heal
[] Magic                                      [] Pyrokinesis
[] Communication with the dead   [] Ultra-acute senses
[] Can change bodies                   [] Can see the future
[] Conjuring items                        [] Magic spit
[] Teleportation                            [] Manipulation of negative thoughts
[] Psychic powers                        [] Other (Please describe): ____________
(NOTE: More space on back of application)

Do you take any mind-altering substances? [] Yes [] No
 If yes, which ones? ________________________
  How often? ________________________

Have you committed any felony in the past 1000 years? (Car theft, shoplifting, large-scale genocide, etc?) [] Yes     [] No
 If yes, please describe: __________________________________________________

Please describe any previous experience(s) that you feel qualifies you for this position:

Please list your previous employment(s) and referrals: ____________________________

If accepted, what are your goals as a Kaioushin?________________________________

What do you think being a Kaioushin means? __________________________________

What duties do you think a Kaioushin is required to perform? _______________________

Thank you for completing this form. We will contact you if you are accepted. Remember, if accepted, the role of Kaioushin is a lifelong commitment full of exciting perks!

All accepted applicants will be required to take a full psychological evaluation, wear strange earrings and odd clothes. Earrings and clothes will be provided, as well as a thorough instruction session familiarizing applicants with the duties and powers of being a “God”.