(CG model by Mechmaster)
General and Technical Data
Model Number: EDO-MS00
Code name: Tallgeese "Sigma"
Unit Type: Customized flight-capable mobile suit
Manufacturer: Unknown
Operator: Earth Defense Organization
First deployment: November 2, AC 216
Pilots: Josie Selvaggio
Accommodation: Pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Height: 17.4 meters
Weight: 9.1 tons
Armor: Neo-Titanium alloy
Powerplant: Ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Equipment and design features: Head-mounted sensors, range unknown;
Vernier flight booster, thrust output unknown; 2 x shoulder hardpoint
Fixed armaments: 2 x vulcan, mounted in head
Optional fixed armaments: 1 x shield, mounted on right shoulder, mounts
one multi-purpose launcher; 2 x double beam gun, mounted on forearms; 1
x dober gun, mounted on left shoulder; 1 x 16-tube micromissile
launcher, mounted on left shoulder; 1 x megacannon, mounted on left
Optional hand armaments: 1 x beam saber, stored in charge rack in shield
Technical and Historical Notes
As part of Selvaggio's plans
to re-militarize the Earth Sphere, he ordered the construction of a
personal mobile suit for his use. Not having the time to completely
design and build a new model, he instead had engineers use parts
leftover from the construction of the Tallgeese II and III and modifiy
the design to his tastes. The resulting mobile suit, the EDO-MS00
Tallgeese "Sigma" was an agile, powerful suit like its predecessors,
and boasting extra firepower in the form of arm-mounted beam guns and a
wider range of armaments to mount on the shoulder hardpoints. While
outperforming the mass produced suits being fielded at the time, it was
still a small step below Milliardo's OZ-00MS3
Tallgeese Custom in terms of overall performance.
The Tallgeese "Sigma" first saw combat in November of AC 216, when
Josie Selvaggio took it into battle against rebel Preventers under the
command of Lady Une. The appearance of this blue and black mobile suit
would likely have spelled the end of the Une Conflict, but for the
timely intervention by Milliardo's rogue daughter Sidra, who had taken
the Tallgeese Custom to Earth earlier that same year. It would not be
the last time that Selvaggio personally entered combat with his agile
mobile suit, as the Tallgeese "Sigma" would continue to be used as his
personal mobile suit throughout the Venusian conflict.
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