(CG Model by Mechmaster)
General and Technical Data
Model Number: EDO-00SMS
Code name: Gryphon Chimera
Designed by: Firefury Amahira
Unit Type: Aerospace fire support mobile suit
Manufacturer: Preventers (base mobile suit), Earth Defense Organization
(Chimera parts)
Operator: Earth Defense Organization
First deployment: AC 217
Pilots: EDO pilots
Accommodation: Pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Height:16.7 meters
Weight: 8.3 tons
Armor: Titanium alloy
Powerplant: Ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Equipment and design features: Head-mounted sensors, range unknown;
Vernier Flight Pack, maximum thrust output unknown
Fixed armaments: 2 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x
Machinecannon, fire-linked, mounted on torso; 2 x high power beam
cannon, mounted on arms; 6 x micromissile, stored in 6-tube launch rack
on left waist armor
Optional fixed armaments: none
Optional hand armaments: 1 x beam saber, stored in charge rack in right
waist armor, hand carried in use; 1 x beam rifle, hand carried in use
Technical and Historical Notes
With production and supplies
lagging due to the Ides Tragedy, EDO forces scrambled to make the most
of whatever parts they could scrounge. One result was the Gryphon
Chimera, a hyrbid using parts from the PMS-P00SMS Gryphon, and the
P-011HSMS Basilisk. Essentially the
legs, torso, and flight pack of a Gryphon, and the head and arms of a
Basilisk, the unit proved a capable mid-range support unit, though it
could not fire its two arm-mounted cannons rapidly, lacking the extra
generator capacity of the Basilisk.