OZ-06MS-Bst Leo High Mobility Type


General and Technical Data

Model Number: OZ-06MS-Bst
Code name: Leo Tallgeese Type/Leo High-Mobility Type/Rabid Goose
Designed by: Firefury Amahira
Unit Type: Multi-purpose mobile suit
Manufacturer: OZ (original Leo), Preventers (Gryphon), Peacemakers (hybrid suit)
Operator: Peacemakers
First deployment: AC 217
Accomodation: Pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Height: 16.2 meters
Weight: 8.2 tons
Armor: Titanium alloy
Powerplant: Ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Equipment and design features: Head-mounted sensors, range unknown; Vernier flight pack from the Gryphon mobile suit, thrust output unknown
Fixed armaments: 1 x beam cannon, mounted on right arm, 3 x beam talon, power rating unknown, mounted on left hand
Optional fixed armaments: 1 x shield, mounted on left shoulder
Optional hand armaments: 2 x beam saber, stored in charge racks in optional shield, hand carried in use;105mm rifle, drum-fed, 100 rounds per drum; beam rifle, 20 round charge; "shorty" beam rifle, 20 round charge; bazooka; dober gun, clip-fed; "Peacemaker" triple gattling, hand-carried in use

Technical and Historical Notes

Lacking the funding to build completely new mobile suits, the Peacemakers group often had to resort to salvaging parts and piecing them together, creating an odd assortment of hybrid mobile suits. One particularly odd unit combined an OZ-06MS Leo with the backpack and some of the weapons from the PMS-P00SMS Gryphon.  While officially dubbed the Leo High-Mobility Type, it goes by many names among the laid back group of rogue soldiers, including the Leo Tallgeese Type (rather ironic, given that the Tallgeese was the prototype for the Leo), and the more colorful moniker of Rabid Goose. Despite the Leo frame, the addition of the Gryphon's Verniers and weapons boost the suit's abilities substantially.

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