OZ-06MS Leo

(CG Model by Mechmaster)

General and Technical Data

Model Number: OZ-06MS
Code name: Leo
Unit Type: mobile suit
Manufacturer: OZ (Organization of Zodiac)
Operator: Civilians, Mars Defense Corps, Earth Defense Organization
First deployment: AC 175
Pilots: Civilian pilots, Mars Defense Academy students, Earth Defense Organization pilots
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Height: 16.2 meters
Weight: 7.0 tons
Armor: Titanium alloy
Powerplant: Ultracompact fusion reactor, power output unknown
Equipment and design features: Head-mounted sensors, range unknown; flight option pack, provides aerial control surfaces and thrusters for atmospheric flight
Fixed armaments: none
Optional fixed armaments: 1 x shield, mounted on left shoulder
Optional hand armaments: 2 x beam saber, stored in charge racks in optional shield, hand carried in use;105mm rifle, drum-fed, 100 rounds per drum; beam rifle, 20 round charge; "shorty" beam rifle, 20 round charge; bazooka; dober gun, clip-fed
Stats taken from mahq.net

Technical and Historical Notes

The oldest model mobile suit in use at all in AC 216, the OZ-06MS Leo was still a common sight, though mainly in civilian construction roles. Already an old model by the time of the Eve Wars, the Leo was still in use in AC 216 largely due to the large number of units that survived the Eve Wars, decommissioned when the conflict went into space. A handful were used by the Mars Defense Academy as training units, while several were snapped up by the Earth Defense Organization in their efforts to get as many combat-worthy units ready as possible. The Leo would prove to be horrendously outclassed by newer suits such as the Gryphon or Serpent II.

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