General and Technical Data
Model Number: VMF01-2MSC
Code name: Serpent II Cannon Type
Designed by:
Unit Type: Fire support mass-production mobile suit
Manufacturer: VMF Research Group - based on an old Barton Foundation/OZ
Operator: Venus Military Force
First deployment: AC 216
Pilots: Venus Military Force pilots
Accomodation: Pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Height: 16.6 meters
Weight: 9.2 tons
Armor: Titanium alloy
Powerplant: Ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Equipment and design features: Head mounted sensors, range unknown;
external fuel tanks, increasing range/operating time by 1/3, mounted on
backpack; 3 x Planet Defensor unit, stored on rear skirt armor, can be
used to repel most beam weapons fire
Fixed armaments: 2 x 360 mm cannon, independent-fire/fire-linked, 20
round magazine each, mounted over shoulders
Optional fixed armaments: none
Optional hand armaments: 1 or 2 x double gattling, hand carried in use;
1 x beam chain gun, hand carried in use; 1 x dober gun, hand carried in
Technical and Historical Notes
A fire-support variant of
the Venus Military Force's front line VMF01-2MS
Serpent II, the Cannon Type is exactly as its name suggests: a
Serpent II with big cannons. While the suit's pair of 360 mm cannons
give the mobile suit enough punch to pose a serious threat to warships,
the added encumbrance of the weapons is not offset by any additional
boosters, impacting the suit's mobility severely. Due to this handicap,
the mobile suit was often far from the front lines, providing fire
support from some distance away.