OZ-12SMS Taurus


General and Technical Data

Model Number: OZ-12SMS
Code name: Taurus
Unit Type: transformable mobile suit
Manufacturer: OZ (Organization of Zodiac)
Operator: Civilians, Preventers, Earth Defense Organization, Mars Defense Corps/Academy
First deployment: AC 195
Pilots: Lucrezia Noin, Sidra Peacecraft, Siduri Peacecraft, Meiran Chang, Wufei Chang
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Height: 16.8 meters
Weight: 7.9 metric tons
Armor: Titanium alloy
Powerplant: Ultracompact fusion reactor, power output unknown
Equipment and design features: Head mounted sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: none
Optional fixed armaments: none
Optional hand armaments: 1 x beam rifle, hand carried in use, carried on the back in flight mode; 1 x beam cannon, hand carried in use, carried on the back in flight mode
Stats taken from mahq.net

Technical and Historical Notes

While originally designed and deployed by OZ in AC 195, the Taurus remained a favored basic mobile suit in the interval between the Eve Wars and the Venusian conflict, with many units finding their way into numerous non-combat roles including construction and recreation. Some of course were placed in their original combat roles, initially as the Mars Defense Corps, and then later as supplementary forces for the Preventers and Earth Defense Organization. While the suit's mobility and armor could easily compare with more modern suits, its light armament left it at a disadvantage against modern mass production suits such as Venus' VMF01-1VMS Orion. Variants of the Taurus were often created by recreational suit owners, though the only known military use variant is the OZ-12SMS-PM Taurus Peacemaker used by the Peacemakers organization.

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